The Association

Possibly one of the best kept secrets in salmon fishing. Association water on one of Scotland�s finest salmon rivers � in a prime area � no overcrowding, and at an affordable price.

Fochabers Angling Association has been established for more than 80 years, fishing, until the end of 2006, the Castle Water on the River Spey at Fochabers. From 2007, the Association has moved one beat downstream to the beat known as Lower Water One. This beat is 1.3 miles in length, has both banks, and is approximately 4 miles from the sea.

The Association allows a maximum of 40 local members, and it is a longstanding feature of this water, that it is very much underfished for most of the season. Members rarely fish for more than two or three hours at a time.

Only 4 visitors tickets are allocated per day, except on the very odd occasion to accommodate special circumstances. Thus, visiting anglers have often commented that it is just like fishing a private beat.

Local members, if you can find them fishing, are only too pleased to answer visitors� questions and provide any other assistance. There is no ghillie on the beat, but one can be arranged at additional cost if required. Enquire when booking.

In many instances, the same visitors return year after year, forging close friendships and exchanging the odd dram with local members. We are an easy going, good natured bunch of anglers, always eager to please, and we expect good humour and courtesy from our guests.

You will be made very welcome.

Copyright © Fochabers Angling Association 2007 | Web Design: TenderSoft